" The meeting on the occasion of FM GROUP Russia opening is behind us. The business Partners from all over Russia gathered to celebrate and learn. Two unique days in Moscow started at noon of January 8th. Włodzimierz Romaniuk, Manager of FM GROUP Russia, Julia Boguslavska, FM GROUP World Projects Manager, and Sławomir Lepak, FM GROUP World Strategic Manager, welcomed the guests.
Next, the programme of the training was presented. It started with the presentation of the company by Małgorzata Serwa, FM GROUP World Business Trainer. Irena Oliver, FM GROUP World Jasper Star, enthusiastically shared the story of her successful development. Gediminos Grinevicius, FM GROUP World Pearl Orchid, spoke on how to properly take the first steps in FM GROUP. In the second part of the training, Małgorzata Serwa held a presentation entitled “Strike out on your own with Federico Mahora perfume” during which Business Partners learned how to professionally choose a perfume, talk about perfume with enthusiasm, what questions to ask in order to determine the client’s preferences and how to use the Fragrance Wheel.
The training part was followed by recognition of Leaders and their presentations. On this day, a new incentive programmes were presented. We hope that these programmes will contribute to the development of FM GROUP Russia. The presentation of incentive programmes was held by Andrzej Tytar, Specialist of Analysis and Development of Sales Structures.
A Gala Dinner and a delicious cake were the highlight of the day! The atmosphere of the evening was unforgettable, there were many contests and lots of positive energy.
On January 9th, Gediminos Grinevicius held time management training for Russian business partners. Andrzej Tytar shared his knowledge on proper use of incentive programmes and building of structures. At the end of the event Sławomir Lepak and Julia Boguslavska thanked all Business Partners for participation in the meeting and expressed hope for further development of FM GROUP Russia.
We trust that the FM Group Russia received a new impetus for further development as a part of FM GROUP’s future. "
Il sito russo : http://www.ru.fmworld.com/ru/
Каждый Партнер должен иметь своего Спонсора – человека, который был бы его опекуном и гидом по предложениях и условиях сотрудничества в FM GROUP. Его нужно выбрать еще на этапе подписания Контракта о сотрудничестве.
Прежде, чем выбрать Спонсора нужно тщательно проанализировать свое решение, потому что Спонсора можно выбрать только один раз. Если вы не выберите Спонсора в случае он-лайн регистрации, то он будет назначен вам автоматически.
more info : http://www.ru.fmworld.com/ru/prisoedinyajtes-k-nam-26/stan-nashim-partnerom-57/

Next, the programme of the training was presented. It started with the presentation of the company by Małgorzata Serwa, FM GROUP World Business Trainer. Irena Oliver, FM GROUP World Jasper Star, enthusiastically shared the story of her successful development. Gediminos Grinevicius, FM GROUP World Pearl Orchid, spoke on how to properly take the first steps in FM GROUP. In the second part of the training, Małgorzata Serwa held a presentation entitled “Strike out on your own with Federico Mahora perfume” during which Business Partners learned how to professionally choose a perfume, talk about perfume with enthusiasm, what questions to ask in order to determine the client’s preferences and how to use the Fragrance Wheel.
The training part was followed by recognition of Leaders and their presentations. On this day, a new incentive programmes were presented. We hope that these programmes will contribute to the development of FM GROUP Russia. The presentation of incentive programmes was held by Andrzej Tytar, Specialist of Analysis and Development of Sales Structures.
A Gala Dinner and a delicious cake were the highlight of the day! The atmosphere of the evening was unforgettable, there were many contests and lots of positive energy.
On January 9th, Gediminos Grinevicius held time management training for Russian business partners. Andrzej Tytar shared his knowledge on proper use of incentive programmes and building of structures. At the end of the event Sławomir Lepak and Julia Boguslavska thanked all Business Partners for participation in the meeting and expressed hope for further development of FM GROUP Russia.
We trust that the FM Group Russia received a new impetus for further development as a part of FM GROUP’s future. "
Il sito russo : http://www.ru.fmworld.com/ru/
Каждый Партнер должен иметь своего Спонсора – человека, который был бы его опекуном и гидом по предложениях и условиях сотрудничества в FM GROUP. Его нужно выбрать еще на этапе подписания Контракта о сотрудничестве.
Прежде, чем выбрать Спонсора нужно тщательно проанализировать свое решение, потому что Спонсора можно выбрать только один раз. Если вы не выберите Спонсора в случае он-лайн регистрации, то он будет назначен вам автоматически.
more info : http://www.ru.fmworld.com/ru/prisoedinyajtes-k-nam-26/stan-nashim-partnerom-57/
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